Sunday, March 14, 2021

Ginger - #4


Episode #4

We started chaining him to our grilled gate. The moment he is unchained, the house came down. He would pull down all the clothes from the clothesline, which was in the backyard. He would tear up all the doormats and carpets to pieces with his sharp teeth. He would run around the house and stop only when food was offered. 

He loved chicken. He loved all that we ate at home but not his dog food. He would eat a whole loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, gallons of milk. Then start running around our house. He would do potty in all places around the house. It was only my duty to clean this up!

Once when I was giving him a shower, he did something strange. Even if I think of it now, it send me chills down my spine!

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