Sunday, March 14, 2021

Ginger - #3


Episode #3

Year 2012

In no time, less than even 3-4 months, Gingu was an integral part of our lives. He was growing up to be a naughty and sturdy boy. It was my every day routine (added to the other thousand things) to clean his potty. He was doing it anywhere at his freewill. 

Jayan and Abhinay were expected to train him. But it is now that I knew Jayan just wanted the pup for playing. He wouldn’t take any major role in his training. One reason was he was way too lazy and the other...he was also scared of dogs. The truth which I didn’t know until much later. Abhinay on the other hand, was simply lazy. 

Poor me and poorer Gingu! I had to clean the place and then him. He wouldn’t let me clean him or bathe him properly. He would keep licking my hands or my face, he would run around, he would climb the stairs and come pouncing on me, or simply just keep turning around to catch his tail!!! By the time the activity is done, I would be soooo de-energised that I would come and lay on the couch flat! Tears would roll down my cheeks many times thinking of my fate. But just for a few moments...I would have to run behind the brat to save our stuff from his biting them to pieces. 

He was on a roll! He would play so gleefully with Abhi and Pannu and Jayan. With me, it was always trouble. After a bath, he would run all around the house making the floor so wet. To keep him in one place and dab him dry was a process again!

Then followed the phase of moving Ginger out of the house...near the gate and the grills!

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