Monday, March 25, 2013

Litter, litter everywhere!

For some time now, I have been thinking of writing something serious and society-conscious. There are ever so many things that hurt me/my fellow citizens. So, was pondering which would be the most apt subject. I am no eco-savvy buff, here. But yes, I am a responsible citizen to say the least. Not just because I pay my taxes regularly but because I have a huge longing for a clean, hygienic and litter-free world! Of course, I do my bit but just that it is not sufficient.

About 2 decades back, when I stepped out of India first, it was to Singapore. This in size and population is just around the same as our own Chennai. What awed me when I stepped out of the plane onto the airport Changi, was just not the grandeur but also the way it was maintained – spic & span! In fact my awe started there and continued until I left after a 4 months stay there! From the moment I stepped on the land of S’pore, I cringed within myself thinking of My India. We were so bad, even then,  in every aspect of cleanliness and maintenance from the word go! My longing to see a cleaner and greener India has not subsided since then a wee-bit but only has been increasing by the year!

Reckless citizens, who care not even to keep their own homes clean, will never even think of maintaining our motherland. It is not just the education, I think, though that is an important factor. It is the willingness to keep our city/country clean. We can notice even stinking rich people, bring down the glasses of their multi-lakh worth car, drop shreds of papers/cans/bottles as they whiz past the city roads. Joggers/walkers, one can observe, spitting and littering the pathways. I am assuming these are “responsible” and possibly “educated” citizens. What can we say of the lesser mortals who know nothing of self-hygiene in the first place, leave alone environment cleanliness?

And one thing that irks me is the usage of plastics. When a small place like Ooty can say “No” to plastics, why can we not bring that as a rule across the state/country? In retail shops, they charge extra for plastic covers. Instead, let them supply jute bags and charge extra for the same. It will make both business sense and eco sense.

There are ever so many organizations/NGOs which strive hard for keeping city clean. But until we “educate” people on the harmful effects of lack of hygiene and littering around, how will there be any change in our city/country?

How do we effectively promote this? Does anyone have an idea? I am all game to help/support the cause. But how???

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